
Entry #10 Is Apple Scamming Us All?

     Apple has done so much for the Technological industry from producing computers with amazing speeds to phones so powerful that they compete to an average computer. The question is are they overcharging us?     When the first Iphone released it started at the price of $199 and there was only one phone. There was no, Plus, Pro or Pro Max. It was always $199 up to the Iphone 4 then things started to turn. Suddenly the prices started increasing exponentially and now the latest Iphone 13 Pro Max with the option of 1TB of storage costs $1599. In 11 years the cost of an Iphone has gone up $1400 which is not an awful lot.      Many old heads argue that it is unnecessary for it to cost that much. Remember technology is a never ending goal. There is something new being released every week from a big company. We have cameras that have better lens quality compared to a mid-range camera from 2015. The battery can last up to 16 hours and can charge to 100% ...

Entry #9 Some Propaganda

     Ah yes fast food, America pretty much runs on fast food. Everyone reading this might be craving a Box Combo from Canes, The Spicy Deluxe from Chick-Fil-A or maybe a Double-Double from In-N-Out. I know I am     I love my Mcmuffins every Tuesday and Thursday morning before class. Honestly you can not go wrong with them.     " Excess calories from fast-food meals  can cause weight gain . This may lead toward obesity. Obesity increases your risk for respiratory problems, including asthma and shortness of breath. The extra pounds can put pressure on your heart and lungs and symptoms may show up even with little exertion."- Hotline     I recall reading on an article from my sophomore year that 18% of families eat pizza for dinner a day. If you think about it 18 in every 100 families have a box(s) of pizza served on their table. I understand not everybody has the money to purchase ingredients to make a healthy meal. However sometimes its n...

Entry #8 The truth about Disney

      We all know and love Disney for their magical lands of fun and family friendly movies. What if they weren’t friendly all along. Today we will touch the truth behind the dark secrets roaming the scenes of Walt Disney.     This one might make sense surprisingly. Up has to be persnolly one of my favorite movies but my perspective on it has changed. The conspiracy goes that Carl was dead the whole time. The house moving was him going to the afterlife and Russel was nothing but an angel trying to earn his wings. Pretty crazy right! The question is what is the Dodo suppose to be? This story was obtained from      That was just a little teaser because I remember seeing this youtube video awhile back, however I could not find it, it went something like this. It was a rumor to start off with as far as I remember. If a cast member died in their suit, they would be propped on a sea...

Entry #7 The Real Story Behind Food

      Food is something so important for our bodies to survive, actually it is the most important thing for our body. Thats what we all think, however all types of foods are processed differently. Above we have a picture of Shamrock Farms. This is one of the most important companies in the world. Especially for the reason it is in all grade schools. But what really goes on behind the name? Well that’s what we will talk about. What are companies doing right and wrong?     This film was very educational although it didn’t do a swell job at entertaining the Audience. It has a similar feeling compared to watching those boring movies in elementary school because the principles didn’t like Disney movies.          Don’t mean to go off topic but the following link will touch on the topic of Disney movies in elementary schools,

Entry #6 The Goat?

      The biggest controversy outside the United States is who is better between Lionel Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo. I am saying outside the United States because Americans only care about football, baseball and basketball when it comes to the finals. If you're reading this please do not take offense and if you do take offense Click Here . Also they named their football and named the "real" football... soccer.     I do not mean to bash on Americans just a little banter. Soccer is the biggest sport in the world and every country except the United States, Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico can agree. The heads of the sport are Messi and Ronaldo and have been since the 2010 World Cup. Allow me to break down each player.     Lionel Messi is in my opinion the best soccer player that has ever lived without a doubt. He is the reason I fell in love with the sport. I would dream of making the same plays he did during my games even the celebrations. He brings a d...

Entry #5 Mayhem

           Don’t recognize this handsome man, it is Mayhem. This is guy is gold when it comes to comedy advertisements. Allstate really struck the winning ticket with Mayhem, he has everything, looks and is comedic. Lets take a look at one of his most hilarious advertisements.     Look closely... closer...closer....STOP! Don’t get ahead of yourself. This advertisement has everything now lets brake it down.     Many people believe cats hate people which I believe is true and others do not. That’s is exactly what is being portrayed here. He uses that image to make him the cat and do actions cats would do. Eat a bird, knock stuff over, overflow the sink and bringing a mouse to the owner. He said "since you brought me home that day, i've been plotting to destroy you." Yes I am sure most of us could agree cats are terrible pets.     The advertisement is trying to tell the audience that Allstate will be there for anything. The target...

Entry #4 Left Twix or Right Twix

      Oh Twix! When naming a favorite candy most people will not mention a Twix. There is so much to it though. From its hard crust inside, twisty caramel to its milk chocolate coating on the outside. This candy is so good, it is finger licking good. Im sorry, thats KFC's slogan. Twix should really create one... WAIT THEY DO! Try both. Pick a side .     If it's your first time having a Twix you might not think much apart at first. However, they both taste completely different, it is all about the fine taste. They are made differently and have a different taste, if you do not agree CLICK HERE to leave the blog... I hope you didn’t fall for that.     According to , " Left Twix  is enrobed in chocolate with drizzled caramel and a crunchy cookie inside that makes it more crunchy and sweet, whereas  Right Twix  is cloaked in chocolate with cascaded caramel and a crispy cookie inside that makes it more sweet and crunchy. ...