Entry #5 Mayhem



    Don’t recognize this handsome man, it is Mayhem. This is guy is gold when it comes to comedy advertisements. Allstate really struck the winning ticket with Mayhem, he has everything, looks and is comedic. Lets take a look at one of his most hilarious advertisements.

    Look closely... closer...closer....STOP! Don’t get ahead of yourself. This advertisement has everything now lets brake it down.

    Many people believe cats hate people which I believe is true and others do not. That’s is exactly what is being portrayed here. He uses that image to make him the cat and do actions cats would do. Eat a bird, knock stuff over, overflow the sink and bringing a mouse to the owner. He said "since you brought me home that day, i've been plotting to destroy you." Yes I am sure most of us could agree cats are terrible pets.

    The advertisement is trying to tell the audience that Allstate will be there for anything. The target audience in this situation would be homeowners looking for a new insurance company. I assume this because I doubt 14 year olds are worried about their house insurance or any insurance at all. You never know when a cat could strike but with Allstate they got you cover.

    Mayhem plays a great character in this because his lines or short but loud and nevertheless he’s actually funny. This is played in an above average household in America. Very nice two story house with furniture and old people decorations. 


  1. I think you a great job writing this with a comedic feel and perfectly encapsulate the feel and overall message of this ad.


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