Entry #2 Thinking Beyond The Atmosphere

    The word "Space" could create all sorts or controversies. It could start the discussion deciding if the earth is flat. It could make all of us wonder, is there life on other planets? Who created the universe? Was the moon landing faked? There are so many questions that need to be answer. They will eventually get answered, if we are still alive. Remember Earth has had 5 mass extinctions and it won't stop there.

Compared to where we were 100 years ago Astronomers, Scientists and Astronauts have come a long way. In July 20, 1969 we landed the first human on the moon. In 1971, the USSR's Mars 3 landed successfully on mars, however it failed when the instruments collapsed. Since then there has been 9 mars landings and most recently on February 18 of 2021, Mars 2020

Astronomers have done an excellent job exploring our solar system like Galileo who discovered the four massive moons of Jupiter and the rings of Saturn. Many were inspired and now we have all sorts of information. We know that he sun is 27 million degrees Fahrenheit Mercury has no moons, a day on Venus is longer than a day, Mars used to have water, Jupiter is purely powerful gases, Saturn has 62 moons, Uranus temperature is -353 degrees Fahrenheit, and Neptune's wind speeds reach over 700mph.

    Sure the solar systems is interesting but there has to be many throughout our galaxy, The Milk Way. There are ~100 billion planets and 100-400 billion suns in our galaxy. Keep in mind there are an estimated hundreds of billions of galaxies. If the ocean was everything that existed then we have barely taken a sip of water. 

Let’s talk about black holes,  this is a place where the gravity is so strong not even light can escape. Whats goes on inside? There are different conspiracies about what goes on. Many believe that going through one can cause you to go through a worm hole and travel time. The other one is everything just gets taken away forever and destroyed.

    A worm hole is a shortcut throughout the universe. Yes, you guessed it, space travel. I am a firm believer of space travel. Although there hasn’t been an actual one seen. Famous physicist, Albert Einstein, studied black holes and their equation. However Stephen Hawking did not believe that they could be used for time travel.


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