Entry #10 Is Apple Scamming Us All?

    Apple has done so much for the Technological industry from producing computers with amazing speeds to phones so powerful that they compete to an average computer. The question is are they overcharging us?

    When the first Iphone released it started at the price of $199 and there was only one phone. There was no, Plus, Pro or Pro Max. It was always $199 up to the Iphone 4 then things started to turn. Suddenly the prices started increasing exponentially and now the latest Iphone 13 Pro Max with the option of 1TB of storage costs $1599. In 11 years the cost of an Iphone has gone up $1400 which is not an awful lot. 

    Many old heads argue that it is unnecessary for it to cost that much. Remember technology is a never ending goal. There is something new being released every week from a big company. We have cameras that have better lens quality compared to a mid-range camera from 2015. The battery can last up to 16 hours and can charge to 100% in under 1 hour. 

    The economy plays a big role in the prices of products form Apple. Inflation goes up, demand goes up meaning supply has to increase as well. The law of Supply And Demand.

    Its not just all Iphones, Apple releases powerful PC's and Laptops and Monitors. So going back to the question from the title. Is Apple scamming us all? No and Yes, let me explain.

    To the market that needs a powerful device and has the money and knows what they are getting then this is an obvious, No. To everyone else it would be a, Yes. It all depends what side of the market you lie on.


  1. Hi, Andres. You have some good content and ideas in your last 4 blog entries. You develop some of the ideas well, but you are too brief at other times. Keep working at analyzing and developing your content further to create more significance. Good visual appeal. Keep blogging!


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