Entry #3 The Big Bang


     There are moments in everyone’s life where a moment of realization hits us out of no where. It could range from an accomplishment as big as climbing Mount Everest or as small as getting to work on time. It could even be a time where you tasted something that punched your taste buds and made them tingle. 

    The reason i'm saying all this is because this just happened to me about 1 minute and 27 seconds ago. I put this little rock in my mouth and in my head this strong breeze hit me. It was a marvelous sensation that is difficult to explain.

    I am getting too ahead of myself, allow me to start with the packaging. It was a small curious container that opened up like one of those plastic cereal boxes from Costco. It was as small as a mini travel size deodorant and clear. When you shake it you can hear all the rocks hitting against each-other almost like gravel when you walk on it. Since I wear skinny jeans the corners of the package pokes through my pants and the name on the package is like a clock think of it, Tik Tok Tik Tok. Okay I spoke too much.

    Getting down to the nitty gritty, THE TASTE. Oh the taste, it was as if it had been fermented in a freezer yet it was room temperature. It was like a pill yet all were colorful but all the same taste. There are so many words to describe the text but I am going to do it so you can picture it. Ready? L\ets go! So first I grabbed this mini cereal box and popped it open, I shook it so I could get one out however this is impossible because 2 or more always seem to come out. I examined it to see if I got the color I wanted, Green of-course. As soon as it touched my tongue I was suddenly in Antarctica and I swear I saw wind carrying particles of snow. I had goosebumps for a millisecond. OH-BOY it was a fruity taste without the fruit. I remembered how cool I felt having box of these around elementary school and giving them out to only the cool kids, Get it "cool." *wink wink*


  1. Hi Andrew I really enjoyed reading this entry you wrote. You did a great job with your details through out. I liked the way you described it and the experience it made you feel. I also liked the joyful/comedy tone you used during it. Good job Andrew.

  2. Hey Andres, I must say that this entry was very entertaining as you establish a very comedic tone. Also, you were very thorough with your details and the experiences you had.


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